How Your Diet Changes with Type 1 Diabetes

Getting set up over here. 😌 I'm not downplaying it but it's really not as bad as it looks lol. People have been asking what exactly this whole thing means for meals... not much is really changing except we have to keep track of what Amelia eats and cover the carbs with insulin. Our goal is 30g carbs per meal which is about what she eats anyway. Snacks are where we are changing things up, those are switching to 0 carb things, meat & cheese, sugar free jello etc. My first question was, "What about birthday parties?" to which Dr. Duncan said, "Let her do whatever the other kids are doing [within reason] and figure it out after. She's still a normal kid and should behave like a normal kid." That honestly made me feel SO much better. ❀️Amelia said to me, "What if no one wants to be my friend anymore?" I had to majorly hold back tears to tell her that of course her friends will still love her, she's still the same Amelia but she just has to take some medicine every now and then, and that there are other kids who take different kinds of medicine all the time. Whew. My sweet sweet girl. What a whirlwind of a few days. Going to bed early tonight! 😴

How Your Diet Changes with Type 1 Diabetes

Back to School After Type 1 Diagnosis


Type 1 Diabetes Signs & Symptoms