Hallway Update


We have a small hallway that goes from our garage to our kitchen with doors to a utility closet and the laundry room. It ends up being a place where purses and backpacks line the floor. I had a small shelf with hooks but it was always overloaded and junked up. I decided this space needed some updating!

To be honest… I had can of black paint in the garage from when I painted my laundry room with Dalmatian spots and figured, hey, one less trip to Home Depot, I’ll just use this up!


I used to have a mirror in this hallway but decided to use it in Amelia’s room and turns out, I really missed having that mirror there. It’s nice for a quick check when heading out the door to make sure you brushed your hair, etc. I had this one in the corner of the garage so it was meant to be.


I’ve been wanting to a place to pin up the girls’ artwork and important papers so I grabbed this bulletin board and push pins! I like that it’s covered in burlap with the nailheads to add a cute touch instead of a plain old bulletin board.

I also found these brass hooks on amazon to hang purses and backpacks on! I love how they contrast the wall.


This was a simple project, but I feel like the paint a little details make it a much cuter space!


Amazon Finds


Home Edit Inspired Pantry Organization